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Chet is your new

AI Personal Trainer

Daily text-based instructions and accountability

to reach your fitness goals

Get started for just $12/month

What makes ChetAI unique?

Personalized workouts

ChetAI will create a personalized workout plan for you based on your goals, fitness level, and available equipment.

(You can even set the aggressiveness level of your AI trainer to match your personality!)

Daily progress

ChetAI creates a new workout and checks in on you every day, so you'll always be kept accountable for your workouts.

Real-time feedback

Ask ChetAI for help during your workout and get real-time feedback on what you're doing right and what you can improve.

Track your progress

ChetAI will track your progress and make adjustments to your workout plan to help you reach your goals.

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2023 - Breach Software